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- BPTRAP 1.0
- ==========
- Copyright (C) 1996 Frank Heckenbach
- ------------
- The Unit BPTrap allows you to trap runtime errors in a Borland Pascal
- program. That means, a runtime error will not abort the program but pass
- the control back to a point within the program.
- It should run with Borland Pascal 7.0 on all three platforms (Real mode,
- Protected mode and Windoze).
- The Usage is simple. See the TrapDemo program:
- Calling the Trap procedure will install Trap and return the value False.
- Whenever a runtime error occurs after installing Trap, the program will be
- continued at the point from which Trap was installed! This means, the program
- will JUMP BACK (and thereby cause a loop - without a For, While or Repeat
- statement in your program)! To differentiate this from the installation call,
- now the value True is "returned". By testing the return value, a loop can be
- avoided (see the TrapDemo program), but sometimes the loop is what is wanted.
- You can uninstall Trap by calling UnTrap. This function will return True
- iff it could uninstall Trap. If it could not, reasons may be that Trap was
- not installed or that other Exitprocs were installed after Trap.
- When the program terminates (by reaching the end or by a Halt or Keep
- statement) and a runtime error was trapped during the run, Trap will set the
- Exitcode and Erroraddr variables to indicate the trapped error. So the
- program will display a "correct" runtime error message (even if it has kept
- running for a while after the trapped error!). One advantage of this is that
- if you are using the integrated debugger (real mode), it will show you the
- error position in your source code as usual.
- If you have any hints, suggestions or error reports (apart from runtime
- errors trapped by my unit ;-), I will be interested to hear from you.
- ---------
- * The procedure that calls Trap must NOT return as long as Trap is installed
- (so it is safest to call Trap from the main program, if possible)!
- * You must call the function Trap AFTER installing all other Exitprocs
- (if any).
- * In Real mode: You must NOT call it from an overlayed unit.
- * In Protected mode and Windoze: You must call it from a code segment with
- the following attributes: FIXED PRELOAD PERMANENT. (I am not sure if this
- is really necessary...).
- * After trapping a runtime error, your program might not be is a stable state.
- If the runtime error was a "minor" one (such as a range checking or
- arithmetic error) and if the other cautions have been respected, it should
- not be a problem. But if you e.g. write a larger application and use trap
- to prevent a sudden abort, you should make the program terminate regularly
- as soon as possible after a trapped error (maybe telling the user to
- terminate the program and report the error to you).
- * Since the exit proc JUMPS back, it has all the negative effects that a GOTO
- would have! (And even a global GOTO!) You should be aware of the
- consequences of all active procedures being terminated at some point!
- * The program has been tested with BP version 7.0 only. It may well work with
- other BP versions, but you will have to try that on your own risk.
- As a safety measure, I inserted two lines that will prevent the unit from
- compiling with any BP version different from 7.0. To still do that, you
- have to delete or comment these two lines.
- * The program has been tested mainly in real mode, so if you want to use it
- seriously on another platform (Protected mode or Windoze), you should test
- it more thoroughly.
- ------
- The package consists of the following files:
- README.TXT This file
- COPYING The Gnu General Public License
- BPTRAP.PAS The Trap unit
- TRAPDEMO.PAS A simple demo program using the Trap unit, working on all
- three platforms
- ------------
- The Trap unit and the Trap demo program (both below referred to as
- "the program") are Copyright (C) 1996 Frank Heckenbach.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, version 1, for NON-COMMERCIAL use.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- For using this program commercially in any way, the GNU General
- Public License is NOT applicable. Any commercial use of the program
- must be explicitly allowed by the author and will usually require
- payment of a royalty.
- Borland Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc.
- Windoze is not a trademark ;-)
- Frank Heckenbach
- Email: heckenb@mi.uni-erlangen.de
- alternatively: fn106@fim.uni-erlangen.de